Tax Me If You Can

With rig­or, and a dose of humor, Tax Me If You Can explains the mech­a­nisms of tax havens and demon­strates how tax eva­sion, an essen­tial cog in the neolib­er­al sys­tem, accel­er­ates the growth of eco­nom­ic inequality. 


The wealthiest individuals and companies have fewer and fewer scruples, and more and more means at their disposal, to escape taxation. And so, without any sense of guilt, they fuel the progressive ruin of wealth redistribution. With rigor and a certain amount of humor, this documentary explains the mechanisms of tax havens, reveals the politicians' rhetoric to combat them, and shows how tax evasion is not a flaw in the neoliberal system that we can live with, but one of its essential cogs that accelerate the growth of inequality.

Theme(s) : , Democracy, Economy, Human Rights, Politics


Photo du realisateur

Yannick Kergoat


Yan­nick Ker­goat is a direc­tor, screen­writer and edi­tor. He won a César for best edit­ing for Har­ry, un ami qui vous veut du bien. He has worked reg­u­lar­ly with Cos­ta-Gavras since Amen in 2002, and has edit­ed six films by Rachid Bouchareb since Indigènes in 2006. He has direct­ed sev­er­al doc­u­men­taries for tele­vi­sion. He also found­ed Les Édi­tions Adespote, and co-hosts the media crit­i­cism asso­ci­a­tion ACRIMED.


Director | , Yannick Kergoat
Year | , 2022
Country | , France
Duration | 114 minutes
Original language | , English, French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Maxime Sabin
Sound | Clément Tijou
Editing | Michaël Phelippeau
Production | Bertrand Faivre, Vincent Maraval


San Sebastian International Film Festival - Hot Docs - CPH:DOX




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