Révolution — le travail est humain

Dis­cov­er inspir­ing work­er coop­er­a­tive solu­tions to today’s chal­lenges in the doc­u­men­tary ®evo­lu­tion – work is human.


Society is changing, the climate is changing. Many of us wonder about the impact and think about some of our choices. What about our relationship with work? Can our position as a worker allow us to flourish and have a positive social and environmental impact? What if working and undertaking TOGETHER was a solution... Discover inspiring solutions worker cooperatives address at current issues in the documentary Revolution – work is human.

Theme(s) : , Social, Work


Photo du realisateur

Productions 4 Éléments


Estab­lished in Que­bec City since 2006, Pro­duc­tions 4 Élé­ments com­bines a sea­soned team with high-qual­i­ty facil­i­ties to real­ize your projects in video and graph­ic animation.


Director | , Productions 4 Éléments, Réseau COOP
Year | , 2022
Country | , Canada, Québec
Duration | 33 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Jean-Philippe Vachon
Sound | Mathieu Grégoire
Editing | Luc Cantin
Production | Réseau COOP
Distribution | Funambules Médias
Camera | Nicolas Nowaczyk
Colorist | André Michaud
Graphic creation | Marilou Morin
Other | Julie Lemarié, Stephane Dumais


October 25, 2022 - Montreal - Official launch at the Cinémathèque
Other screenings since then have taken place at events related to the social economy or academia

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