Robin Bank

This is the sto­ry of Enric Duran, a Cata­lan activist who took out loans worth half a mil­lion euros that he had no inten­tion of repay­ing. Instead, he used the mon­ey to finance social projects, and explains that he com­mit­ted these thefts to denounce the bad prac­tices of the bank­ing system. 


This is the story of Eric Duran, a Catalan activist who took out loans for half a million euros which he never intended to repay. Instead, he used the money to fund social projects and claimed he committed the robberies to expose bad practices of the banking system. He also wanted to encourage people to think differently and join him creating another, more equal and sustainable world.
Facing certain imprisonment, Duran went on the run in 2013 but he continues to work on underground movements of economic disobedience. One of those he inspired was director Anna Giralt Gris, who goes on a mission to find him and investigate the consequences of his actions.
Where do you draw the line between what is legal and what’s legitimate? Can one person really save the world?

Theme(s) : , Economy, Social struggle, Technology


Photo du realisateur

Anna Giralt Gris


Anna Giralt Gris (Barcelone 1978) est une cinéaste et créa­trice de nou­veaux médias. Son dernier court métrage, 44 Mes­sages From Cat­alo­nia, a été pro­duit par Field of Vision et pub­lié dans le pres­tigieux média The Inter­cept. Her lat­est work is the VR expe­ri­ence Chron­i­cle of a Van­ished City, pre­viewed at SXSW VR Cin­e­ma. Elle a été sélec­tion­née pour l’ID­FA DocLab Acad­e­my 2018 et le Berli­nate Tal­ent Cam­pus 2019. Her first fea­ture-length doc­u­men­tary is Robin Bank.


Director | , Anna Giralt Gris
Year | , 2022
Country | , Germany, Spain
Duration | 80 minutes
Original language | , catalan, English, Spanish
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Aïda Torrent Ciudad
Sound | Alejandro Molino
Music | Meike Katrin Stein
Editing | Anna Giralt Gris, Florencia Aliberti
Production | Arek Gielnik, Jorge Caballero Ramos, Sonia Otto


Thessaloniki Documentary Festival · CPH:DOX · Malaga International Film Festival · Docs Barcelona · FIC-CAT










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