Now playing in Bedford — L’Autre Cinéma

Thurs­day, March 6, 7:00 PM
Human­ist Vam­pire Seek­ing Con­sent­ing Sui­ci­dal Per­son
A film by Ari­ane Louis-Seize
Québec | 2023 | 85 min | French O.V. | Eng­lish S.-T.
🎟 Reserve tickets

Thurs­day, March 20, 7:30 p.m.
The World Accord­ing to Ama­zon
A film by Thomas Lafarge and Adrien Pinon
Que­bec / France | 2019 | 77 min | O.V. French / Eng­lish / Ger­man / Hin­di | French S.-T.
🎟 Reserve tickets

Thurs­day, April 3, 7:30 p.m.
A film by Sophie Deraspe
Que­bec, France | 2024 | 113min | French O.V. | Eng­lish S.-T.
🎟 Reserve tickets

Thurs­day, April 24, 8:00 PM
The Fam­i­ly of the For­est
A film by Lau­ra Rietveld
Que­bec | 2022 | 85 min | French O.V. | Eng­lish S.-T.
🎟 Reserve tickets

Admis­sion : 10$
110 rue Riv­ière Local 106 Bed­ford (Que­bec) J0J 1A0

Food, beer, cider, wine and cock­tails will be served. Free popcorn.

L’Autre Ciné­ma, an ini­tia­tive of L’Autre Brasserie and Funam­bules Médias, offers a pro­gram of auteur fic­tion and doc­u­men­tary films from here and abroad in Bed­ford, in the East­ern Townships.

Down­load the poster in PDF for printing.