Dates and screening locations for films in the Cinéma à la carte program

Thank you for the warm recep­tion you gave to the tour of La (très) grande éva­sion. Spe­cial thanks to Alain Deneault for accom­pa­ny­ing the film in Que­bec, and to every­one who came out.

You attend­ed La (très) grande éva­sion screen­ings in large num­bers across Que­bec cin­e­mas. Many shows were sold out, and the exchanges with Alain Deneault were par­tic­u­lar­ly enriching.

You can find clips of his talk at Ciné­ma Beaubi­en on Alain Deneault website. 

Thanks to all the the­aters and dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners who sup­port­ed the tour by screen­ing the film: Stu­dio quai des arts, Par­aloeil ciné­ma et cen­tre de pro­duc­tion, le Musée de la civil­i­sa­tion, Ciné­ma Beaubi­en — Ciné­ma du Parc — Ciné­ma du Musée, La Ciné­math­èque québé­coise, Ciné­ma 9, La Mai­son du Ciné­ma, le Ciné­ma du Cen­tre de Cara­quet, la Fac­trie, café culturel.


There is one last chance to attend a screen­ing of the film (with­out Alain Deneault’s pres­ence) in November.

Thanks to our part­ners, La Caisse d’é­conomie sol­idaire Des­jardins, Syn­di­cat des Métal­los, AREQ, Échec aux par­adis fis­caux, le Con­seil cen­tral des syn­di­cats nationaux de l’Outaouais « CCSNO », Écoso­ciété, ATTAC-Québec.

For fur­ther exploration

To hear Alain Deneault speak about tax eva­sion on Unique FM

Read Yves Bergeras’s arti­cle in Le Droit.

You can vis­it our web­site for the full press review.