Screening Dates and Locations for Films in the Cinéma à la carte Catalog.

Thank you for the warm wel­come to the La (très) grande éva­sion tour. A big thanks to Alain Deneault for accom­pa­ny­ing the film across Que­bec and to every­one who attended.

Many screen­ings were sold out, and the exchanges with Alain Deneault were enrich­ing. You can find excerpts from his talk at Ciné­ma Beaubi­en on Alain Deneault’s website.

Spe­cial thanks to the venues and part­ners for sup­port­ing the tour: Stu­dio quai des arts, Par­aloeil, Musée de la civil­i­sa­tion, Ciné­ma Beaubi­en, Ciné­math­èque québé­coise, Ciné­ma 9, La Fac­trie, and more.

Last screening:

Wednes­day, Novem­ber 27, 7 PM — La Fac­trie, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.

Thank you to our part­ners: La Caisse d’économie sol­idaire Des­jardins, Syn­di­cat des Métal­los, AREQ, Échec aux par­adis fis­caux, the Con­seil cen­tral des syn­di­cats nationaux de l’Outaouais, Écoso­ciété, and ATTAC-Québec.

To go further:

  • Lis­ten to Alain Deneault’s inter­view on Unique FM.
  • Read Yves Berg­eras’ arti­cle in Le Droit.
  • Full press review on our website.

Hors Champs at Théâtre Out­remont We have part­nered with Théâtre Out­remont for their new Hors Champs series, which invites you to explore, learn, and engage with key social issues through a selec­tion of thought-pro­vok­ing doc­u­men­taries from around the world.

Upcoming Screenings:

  • L’acte de la beauté
    📢 Fol­lowed by a film dis­cus­sion with Jean Bédard
    Novem­ber 24, 4 PM | Théâtre Out­remont | Reg­u­lar Price: $12 | Stu­dent Price: $6
    🎟 Reserve your tickets
  • Dam­as­cus Dreams
    Jan­u­ary 19, 2025, 4 PM | Théâtre Out­remont | Reg­u­lar Price: $12 | Stu­dent Price: $6
    🎟 Reserve your tickets
  • Irré­ductibles
    March 16, 2025, 4 PM | Théâtre Out­remont | Reg­u­lar Price: $12 | Stu­dent Price: $6
    🎟 Reserve your tickets
  • Zo Reken
    April 20, 2025, 4 PM | Théâtre Out­remont | Reg­u­lar Price: $12 | Stu­dent Price: $6
    🎟 Reserve your tickets