A House for the Syrians

A cit­i­zens’ com­mit­tee in Saint-Ubalde, which is prepar­ing to wel­come a fam­i­ly of Syr­i­an refugees, has to con­tend with the slow pace of the admin­is­tra­tive process. 


In the region of Portneuf, an encounter is slowly unveiled between the here and there, and comes to life through the long wait and small gestures of love of the Saint-Ubalde Sponsoring Committee, who works tirelessly towards the ultimate dream of welcoming a family of Syrian refugees.

Theme(s) : , Human Rights, Migration, Refugees


Photo du realisateur

Christian Mathieu Fournier


Chris­t­ian Math­ieu Fournier has been work­ing since 1998 as Pho­to Direc­tor. In 2004, his sec­ond doc­u­men­tary film, Make mon­ey, salut bon­soir !, won him the Audi­ence Award and the Envi­ro Prize at the Port­neuf Film Fes­ti­val on the envi­ron­ment. He fol­lowed up with Léan­dre Berg­eron, with hope­less con­vic­tion (2008), and in 2012, L’Ange des Grondines (Pub­lic Prize at the FFPE). In 2015, Nal­lua earned her a Spe­cial Jury Men­tion at the Babel Film Fes­ti­val in Italy and the Best Doc­u­men­tary Award at the Per­cé Inter­na­tion­al Film and Art Fes­ti­val. Since then, the movie has been award­ed a pre­sen­ta­tion in more than 12 nation­al and inter­na­tion­al festivals.

Photo du realisateur

Nadine Beaudet


Nadine Beaudet direct­ed her first doc­u­men­tary LE COSAQUE ET LA GITANE in 2012: she won the Prix Pierre-et-Yolande-Per­rault at Ren­dez-vous du ciné­ma québé­cois (2013). With THESE MEN OF PASSAGE (2015), she was part of the first cohort of the col­lec­tive of 5 direc­tors (5 shorts) ini­ti­at­ed by the NFB and SPIRA which aimed to rein­tro­duce very short doc­u­men­tary in the cin­e­mato­graph­ic land­scape. His most recent film THE CHANT OF STARS (2016) select­ed by the Inter­na­tion­al Doc­u­men­tary Film Fes­ti­val in the Cevennes (France), unveils the unprece­dent­ed meet­ing of astron­o­my and music in a poet­ic and human narrative.


Director | , Christian Mathieu Fournier, Nadine Beaudet
Year | , 2017
Country | , Québec
Duration | 79 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , English
Formats |
Sound | Nadine Beaudet
Sound design | Benoît Dame
Sound mixing | Benoît Dame
Music | Martin Lizotte
Editing | René Roberge
Production | Christian Mathieu Fournier, Nadine Beaudet
Screenplay | Christian Mathieu Fournier, Nadine Beaudet
Cinematographer | Christian Mathieu Fournier


- 2018 -
In Competition | Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Canada
In Competition | Festival du Film Environnemental de Portneuf, Canada
In Competition | Ischia Film Festival, Italy
In Competition | Woodpecker International Film Festival, India

- 2019 -
In Competition | Cinema on the Bayou, USA
Special Screening | Semaine de la Francophonie, USA
Special Screening | Les 7 jours du 7e art, Guinea

- 2020 -
In Competition | Festival Cinéma du Monde de Sherbrooke - Sur la route, Canada










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