In Mexico, the landscape is disappearing under ash and dust. Private companies take over forests, rivers and mountains, imposing silence and terror. Farmers like Roberto de la Rosa take dangerous paths. Mexico holds the sad record for the murder of land defenders. Julien Elie exposes the regime of terror orchestrated by transnational corporations, government and organized crime to appropriate resources. His film illustrates the courageous resistance to this destructive colonialism. The camera reveals the faces and gestures of those who dare to speak out, showing a territory marked by physical and psychological scars. This documentary highlights the struggle to preserve the beauty and richness of an endangered territory.
Theme(s) :

Julien Élie
SEE COMPLETE PROFILEIn 2002, Julien Élie directed “Le dernier repas”, a plunge into the absurdity and horror of Huntsville, Texas, capital of the death penalty in the United States. After several years away from cinema, he directed “Soleils noirs” in 2018. The film won a dozen awards (CPH DOX, BAFICI, Filmfest Hamburg, Nashville Film Festival, etc.) and was presented at numerous festivals. “La Garde blanche” (2023) is his second feature film shot in Mexico.
Doclisboa International Film - Festival Hamburg Film - Festival RIDM Award winner: Magnus Isacsson Student Jury Award - DocsMX