
Kathy Tran and Agnès Gau­dreau work as auto mechan­ics at Bâti­ment 7, a col­lec­tive-run space that facil­i­tates the inte­gra­tion of minori­ties. We get to know them through this inspir­ing place where they’re tru­ly able to be themselves. 


Kathy Tran and Agnès Gaudreau work as auto mechanics at Bâtiment 7, a collective-run space that facilitates the integration of minorities. We get to know them through this inspiring place where they’re truly able to be themselves.

Theme(s) : , Feminism, LGBTQI2SA+, Work


Photo du realisateur

Namai Kham Po


Namaï Kham Po is a self-taught video direc­tor and edi­tor based in Mon­tre­al and born in Thai­land. He com­plet­ed his bachelor’s degree in Visu­al Arts at UQÀM in 2006. Since 2007, he has been work­ing in the field of video pro­duc­tion. He has worked on var­i­ous projects such as short films, doc­u­men­taries and music videos. His expe­ri­ence has opened doors for him in the busi­ness world, where he collaborate.


Director | , Namai Kham Po
Year | , 2022
Country | , Québec
Duration | 12 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , English
Formats |
Image | Julien Fontaine
Sound | Ramzi Madi
Music | Marc-André Labonté
Editing | Martin Morissette

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