Mael and the revolution

At the age of 17, Maël, a Le Mans 24-hour race enthu­si­ast, took the envi­ron­ment by sur­prise. A stu­dent at an agri­cul­tur­al high school, he devel­oped a sin­gu­lar polit­i­cal aware­ness, despite the oppo­si­tion of his fel­low students. 


At the age of 17, Maël, brought up in the culture of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, surprised everyone by becoming an environmentalist. At the Lycée Agricole, his convictions set him apart from his classmates. The documentary follows his evolution from passionate gardener to climate activist, abandoning traditional paths for an alternative commitment. Between his vegetable garden, his apprenticeship with an organic market gardener and demonstrations, he forges a singular political conscience. Director Céline Thiou subtly depicts this transition from adolescence to adulthood, where Maël, guided by anti-globalization ideals, becomes a fully-fledged citizen, far from the beaten track of big cities and prestigious schools.

Theme(s) : , Agriculture, Climate Crisis, Environnement, Sociology


Photo du realisateur

Céline Thiou


Trained as an actress and direc­tor, Céline Thiou made her first doc­u­men­tary film in 2002. She soon began to frame her films. Aban­don­ing the fan­ta­sy of a real­i­ty that is by nature fair and gen­er­ous with mean­ing, she real­izes that it is some­times nec­es­sary to put one’s hands in the engine (of real­i­ty) to free its mean­ing, or sim­ply to have an entry point. Writ­ing became an increas­ing­ly impor­tant part of her prac­tice. She made nine more doc­u­men­tary films, then in 2014, Céline direct­ed her first short fic­tion film. In 2016, she joined the Fémis screen­play workshop.


Director | , Céline Thiou
Year | , 2023
Country | , France
Duration | 80 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Céline Thiou, Elodie Ferré, Nicolas Contant
Sound | Céline Thiou, Charlie Sénécaut, Etienne Chambolle
Music | Hu Yurie
Editing | Mathieu Bretaud


Festival de Cinéma de Douarnenez






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