Faced with the reality of climate change and resource depletion, director Emmanuel Cappellin realizes that a collapse of our industrial civilization is inevitable. But how can we continue to live with the idea that the human adventure may fail? In search of answers, he meets experts and scientists such as Pablo Servigne, Jean-Marc Jancovici and Susanne Moser. They all call for collective action and solidarity to prepare the most humane transition possible.
Theme(s) :

Emmanuel Cappellin
SEE COMPLETE PROFILEAfter studying environmental sciences and international development at McGill University, then directing and audiovisual production at the Berkeley Digital Film Institute, Emmanuel Cappellin chose the documentary mode of expression to explore the relationship between humans and their planet.
He began working with Frédéric Back, an early environmental activist and Oscar-winning animator, and went on to direct several short films, edit Jodie Martinson’s documentary To the Tar Sands (2007) and travel to China to produce and direct Thoughts & Reflections (2010). Also a cinematographer for television (ARTE, France3) and regular collaborator with Yann Arthus-Bertrand, he has conducted hundreds of interviews for the films Témoins du Climat (2009), Human (2015) and Woman (2020).
Earth Day Film Festival
Earth's Choice Award
Hong Kong International Film Festival
AFO and CZU Film Festival
Another Way Film Festival
TVE Global Sustainability Awards - England / India. 16-20 Nov. Documentary Impact Award.
Évreux International Education Film Festival - France. Best Documentary Award.
Écrans du Doc Festival, Ciné Toboggan - Décines, France. March 23 to 28, 2021.
Sjón International Anthropological Festival - Copenhagen, Denmark. February 15 to 21, 21.
Terre et Avenir Festival - Salon-de-Provence, France. Jan 27, 2021.
EU Human Rights Film Days - Turkey. Dec 10-20, 2020.
Watch Docs Human Rights in Film - Warsaw, Poland. Dec 3-10, 2020.
Terre Vivante Festival - Décines, France. Nov 28, 2020. Postponed Covid.
Ecological Transition Festival - Metz, France. November 20, 2020. Postponed Covid.
Festival un État du Monde - Forum des images - Paris, France. Nov 17, 2020.
Raindance Film Festival - London, England. Oct 30, 2020
Imagine Science Film Festival - New York, USA. Oct 16-23, 2020.
Ashland Independent Film Festival - Ashland, USA. Oct 4-18, 2020.
Silbersalz Festival - Halle-on-Saale. Oct 18, 2020.
Le Grand Bivouac Festival - Albertville, France. Oct 17, 2020.
Corsica Doc - Ajaccio, France. Oct 16, 2020.
Festival Atmosphères - Courbevoie, France. Oct 6-11, 2020.
Alimenterre Festival - Brussels, Belgium. Oct 7, 2020.
CinemAmbiente Festival - Turin, Italy. Oct 1-4, 2020.
Neisse Film Festival - Germany, Poland, Czech Republic. Sept 25-27, 2020.
Écran Vert Festival - La Rochelle, France. Sept 23, 2020.
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2020 - Lussas, France.
DokuFest 2020 - Prizren, Kosovo.
Doc Edge Festival 2020 - Auckland, New Zealand.
Edinburgh International Film Festival 2020 - Edinburgh, Scotland. Cancelled Covid.
Ecozine Film Festival 2020 - Zaragoza, Spain. Postponed Covid.
Cinema Planeta 2020 - Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Transitions Film Festival 2020 - Melbourne, Australia.