The Act of Beauty

Tucked away in the heart of the Bic moun­tains, in the ter­ri­to­ry known as the Bas-du-Fleuve, lies a com­mu­ni­ty of spir­its, dar­ing spir­its that are putting down roots. This “Sageterre” is the work of Jean Bédard, writer, philoso­pher, social work­er and, above all, farmer. 


Tucked away in the heart of the Bic mountains, in the territory known as the Bas-du-Fleuve, lies a community of spirits, daring spirits that are putting down roots. This "Sageterre" is the work of Jean Bédard, writer, philosopher, social worker and, above all, farmer. Through his writings, he brings action to life. Through his hands on the land, he cultivates thought. He maintains his two farms. Jean Bédard fights against the sleepiness of the world.

Theme(s) : , Agriculture, Democracy, Economy, Environnement


Photo du realisateur

Nicolas Paquet


In 2011, inde­pen­dent film­mak­er Nico­las Paquet direct­ed his first fea­ture-length doc­u­men­tary La règle d’or. This was fol­lowed by the fea­ture Ceux comme la terre and the short Les sucriers, pre­sent­ed at numer­ous fes­ti­vals in Cana­da and abroad. In 2017, he launched Esprit de can­tine, select­ed for the Ren­con­tres inter­na­tionales du doc­u­men­taire. The film was shot in his home vil­lage of Saint-Alexan­dre de Kamouras­ka. His most recent film, Chef.fe.s de brousse, reveals the strug­gle of three chefs who pro­pose a cui­sine with a local identity.


Director | , Nicolas Paquet
Year | , 2021
Country | , Québec
Duration | 70 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , English
Formats |
Image | François Gamache, François Pesant, Nicolas Paquet
Sound | Bruno Bélanger, Catherine Van Der Donckt
Editing | Natacha Dufaux




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