The Positive Energy of Gods

Com­ing from a med­ical-edu­ca­tion­al insti­tute for autis­tic young­sters, the singers of the Astéréo­typ­ie group unveil their explo­sive uni­verse on stage, encour­aged by an edu­ca­tor more pas­sion­ate about art brut than edu­ca­tion­al tech­niques. Their col­lec­tive adven­ture is a cry for freedom. 


Their music is a surge of electric rock. Their lyrics are wild poetry. Accompanied by four musicians, Stanislas, Yohann, Aurélien and Kevin are the singers of the band Astéréotypie. They are autistic young people coming from a medical educational institute, they reveal their jarring universe and singular style on stage. They blow the wind and howl anger.

Theme(s) : , Culture, Mental health, Music


Photo du realisateur

Laetitia Møller


Laeti­tia Møller is a jour­nal­ist and direc­tor. Her first audio­vi­su­al pro­duc­tions — Viol, les voix du silence, a web doc­u­men­tary for France Télévi­sion and Le Mythe du per­vers nar­cis­sique, broad­cast­ed on Planète + as part of the “Topoï” doc­u­men­tary series — ques­tion social phe­nom­e­na. In 2014, she won the Infra­courts com­pe­ti­tion with the short film Les Dames de Dosne. Pos­i­tive ener­gy of the gods is her first author’s doc­u­men­tary, the result of a long work of immer­sion in Aster­eo­typ­ie, a unique rock group.


Director | , Laetitia Møller
Year | , 2020
Country | , France
Duration | 70 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , English
Formats |
Image | Laetitia Møller, Pablo Rosenblatt, Sylvie Petit
Sound | Antoine Calvar, Claude Rambaud, François Boudet
Editing | Alexandre Westphal
Production | Mathilde Raczymow


Résistances - Douarnenez - Champs Élysées Film Festival - Filmer le travail - Rencontres du film d'art




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