Wandering, a Rohingya Story

The doc­u­men­tary film Wan­der­ing, a Rohingya sto­ry offers a poet­ic, immer­sive and pow­er­ful look at the world’s most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed refugee camp, Kutupalong. 


Within a few months, the Kutupalong refugee camp has become the biggest in the world. Out of sight, 700,000 people of the Rohingya Muslim minority fled Myanmar (formerly Burma) in 2017 to escape genocide and seek asylum in Bangladesh. Prisoners of a major yet little-publicized humanitarian crisis, Kalam, Mohammad, Montas and other exiles want to make their voice heard. Between poetry and nightmares, food distribution and soccer games, they testify to their daily realities and the ghosts of their past memories. Around them, the spectre of wandering, waiting, disappearing. In this place, almost out of space and time, is it still possible to exist?

Theme(s) : , Human Rights, Migration, Refugees, Violence


Photo du realisateur

Mélanie Carrier


Olivi­er Hig­gins and Mélanie Car­ri­er are the direc­tors and pro­duc­ers of Asiemut (2007), Encoun­ters (2011) and Québékoisie (2014). Their films have been shown on inter­na­tion­al broad­cast­ers includ­ing ARTE, RTBF, TSR, TV5 MONDE and AL JAZEERA. Their doc­u­men­tary “Asiemut” won sev­er­al Grand Prizes in many of the most pres­ti­gious moun­tain film fes­ti­vals around the world, such as Banff, Graz, Les Dia­blerets and Cervi­no. Québékoisie was award­ed at the RIDM and RIFF. The two direc­tors received fund­ing from major orga­ni­za­tions like Tele­film, SODEC, the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da and Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts. In 2020, Hig­gins and Car­ri­er com­plet­ed the con­cep­tion of a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary exhi­bi­tion at the Nation­al Muse­um of the Art of Que­bec, inspired by their lat­est fea­ture doc­u­men­tary “Wan­der­ing, a Rohingya Story”.

Photo du realisateur

Olivier Higgins


Olivi­er Hig­gins and Mélanie Car­ri­er are the direc­tors and pro­duc­ers of Asiemut (2007), Encoun­ters (2011) and Québékoisie (2014). Their films have been shown on inter­na­tion­al broad­cast­ers includ­ing ARTE, RTBF, TSR, TV5 MONDE and AL JAZEERA. Their doc­u­men­tary “Asiemut” won sev­er­al Grand Prizes in many of the most pres­ti­gious moun­tain film fes­ti­vals around the world, such as Banff, Graz, Les Dia­blerets and Cervi­no. Québékoisie was award­ed at the RIDM and RIFF. The two direc­tors received fund­ing from major orga­ni­za­tions like Tele­film, SODEC, the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da and Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts. In 2020, Hig­gins and Car­ri­er com­plet­ed the con­cep­tion of a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary exhi­bi­tion at the Nation­al Muse­um of the Art of Que­bec, inspired by their lat­est fea­ture doc­u­men­tary “Wan­der­ing, a Rohingya Story”.


Director | , Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins
Year | , 2020
Country | , Québec
Duration | 89 minutes
Original language | , Burmese, French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Olivier Higgins, Renaud Philippe
Sound | Kala Miya, Olivier Higgins
Sound design | Pierre-Jules Audet
Sound mixing | Luc Boudrias
Music | Martin Dumais
Editing | Amélie Labrèche, Olivier Higgins
Screenplay | Olivier Higgins


SEMINCI / Valladolid, Spain - Official competition
DOCSMX / Mexico, Mexico - Winner Global Docs Award
RIDM / Montréal, Canada - Official competition
FCVQ / Québec, Canada - Winner People's choice Award
FICFA / Moncton, Canada - Winner Best featured documentary
42nd International Festival of New Latin American Cinema / Cuba - Official selection
FIFF de Tübingen / Tübingen, Germany - Official competition

2021 - 2022
27th Rendez-vous French Film Festival / Vancouver, Canada - Closing Film
10th Belleville Downtown DocFest / Belleville, Canada - Official selection
Carrousel International du Film de Rimouski / Rimouski, Canada - Official selection
Vues sur Mer / Gaspé, Canada - Opening Film & Winner Best Documentary
39th Festival Cinéma d'Alès - Itinérances / Alès, France - Official selection
Dok.Fest München / Munich, Germany - Best of Fest selection
39th edition of Les Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma / Quebec, Canada
Festival Cinéma du Monde de Sherbrooke / Quebec, Canada
Moscow International Film Festival - DOKER / Russia - Official competition
Social World Film Festival / Naples, Italia
Flikers' Rhode Island International Film Festival / USA - Official competition
International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films / Bulgaria
Human Rights Film Festival Berlin / Germany - Official competition
Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival / Taiwan
Heartland International Film festival / Indianapolis, USA - Official competition
Ojai Film Festival, USA - Official competition
Festival des Libertés / Brussels, Belgium - Official competition
Festival International Ânûû-rû Âboro / New Caledonia - Official competition
Chicago International Children’s Film Festival / USA - Official competition
45th Mostra São Paulo International film festival / Brazil, Official competition
FIDBA - Buenos Aires International Film Festival / Argentina - Official competition
Festival du film documentaire Le Grand Bivouac / France - Official competition
FilmAmbiente / São Paulo, Brazil - Official competition
UNHCR Refugee Film Festival / Japan
Verzió International Film Festival / Budapest, Hongrie - Official competition
Social Justice Film Festival / Seattle, USA - Official competition
Festival International de Cinéma d’Auteur de Rabat / Maroc
12th Human Rights Documentary Film Days / Izmir Turqey
Escales Documentaires de La Rochelle / France - Official competition
Bushwick Film Festival / Brooklyn, NY, USA
Utopia Film Festival / Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
MOVE IT! Film Festival for Human Rights and Development / Germany - Official competition
North Dakota Human Rights Film Festival / Fargo, USA
Festival International du Film Politique de Carcassone / France - Official competition
Cinema On The Bayou / USA - Official competition
Quebec International Ethnographic Film Festival / Canada
Auroville Film Festival / India
Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival / USA?
DOC Cévennes / France
?Tulum World Environment Film Festival / Mexico

2022 - 2023
Freiburger Filmforum - Festival of Transcultural Cinema / Germany
















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