Chase Joynt

Photo du réalisateur

Chase Joynt is a direc­tor and writer whose films have won jury and audi­ence awards inter­na­tion­al­ly. His debut doc­u­men­tary fea­ture, Fram­ing Agnes, was named a Best Movie of the Year by The New York­er after pre­mier­ing at the Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val where it won the NEXT Inno­va­tor Award and the NEXT Audi­ence Award. With Ais­ling Chin-Yee, Chase co-direct­ed No Ordi­nary Man, a fea­ture-length doc­u­men­tary about jazz musi­cian Bil­ly Tip­ton, which was pre­sent­ed at Cannes Docs 2020 as part of the Cana­di­an Show­case of Docs-in-Progress. Since pre­mier­ing at the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val in 2020, No Ordi­nary Man has been hailed by The New York­er as “a genre unto itself” and Indiewire as “the future of trans cin­e­ma.” The film has won 9 awards on the inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val cir­cuit, includ­ing being named to TIFF Canada’s Top Ten. Joynt is the author of two books: the Lamb­da Lit­er­ary Award Final­ist You Only Live Twice (co-authored with Mike Hool­boom) and Boys Don’t Cry with Mor­gan M Page. Most recent­ly, he direct­ed episodes of Two Sen­tence Hor­ror Sto­ries for the CW, which are now stream­ing on Net­flix. His episode Elliot from Sea­son 2 won a Tel­ly Award for direct­ing in 2022. 


Framing Agnes, 2022
Two Sentence Horror Stories, 2021
No Ordinary Man, 2018 (codirected with Aisling Chin-Yee)