Christian Mathieu Fournier

Photo du réalisateur

Chris­t­ian Math­ieu Fournier has been work­ing since 1998 as Pho­to Direc­tor. In 2004, his sec­ond doc­u­men­tary film, Make mon­ey, salut bon­soir !, won him the Audi­ence Award and the Envi­ro Prize at the Port­neuf Film Fes­ti­val on the envi­ron­ment. He fol­lowed up with Léan­dre Berg­eron, with hope­less con­vic­tion (2008), and in 2012, L’Ange des Grondines (Pub­lic Prize at the FFPE). In 2015, Nal­lua earned her a Spe­cial Jury Men­tion at the Babel Film Fes­ti­val in Italy and the Best Doc­u­men­tary Award at the Per­cé Inter­na­tion­al Film and Art Fes­ti­val. Since then, the movie has been award­ed a pre­sen­ta­tion in more than 12 nation­al and inter­na­tion­al festivals.