Éric Guéret

Photo du réalisateur

Éric Guéret is a French doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er. For the past fif­teen years, he has been mak­ing social doc­u­men­taries in France and around the world. Liv­ing con­di­tions in Chi­nese fac­to­ries, street chil­dren in Sene­gal, dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions in French schools, the strug­gle of Green­peace activists, home­less women in the streets of Paris… He spe­cial­izes in close-up cin­e­ma, film­ing over very long peri­ods in total immer­sion with his characters.


La vie est dans le pré, 2020
Ascoval, la bataille de l'acier, 2018
Trans, c'est mon genre, 2016
Sécurité nucléaire : le grand mensonge, 2015