Julien Élie

Photo du réalisateur

In 2002, Julien Élie direct­ed “Le dernier repas”, a plunge into the absur­di­ty and hor­ror of Huntsville, Texas, cap­i­tal of the death penal­ty in the Unit­ed States. After sev­er­al years away from cin­e­ma, he direct­ed “Soleils noirs” in 2018. The film won a dozen awards (CPH DOX, BAFICI, Film­fest Ham­burg, Nashville Film Fes­ti­val, etc.) and was pre­sent­ed at numer­ous fes­ti­vals. “La Garde blanche” (2023) is his sec­ond fea­ture film shot in Mexico.


La garde blanche (literally translated. The white guard), 2023
Soleils noirs (literally translated. Black suns), 2018
Le dernier repas (literally translated. The last meal), 2003