Karen Cho

Photo du réalisateur

Karen Cho is a Chi­nese-Cana­di­an film­mak­er known for her socio-polit­i­cal doc­u­men­taries. Karen’s first film In the Shad­ow of Gold Moun­tain (2004) explored the lega­cy of the Chi­nese Head Tax, Exclu­sion Act and redress move­ment. Karen’s oth­er films include the Gem­i­ni-Nom­i­nat­ed Seek­ing Refuge (2009) a film on refugees in Cana­da and Sta­tus Quo? The Unfin­ished Busi­ness of Fem­i­nism in Cana­da (2012) that won Best Doc­u­men­tary at the Whistler Film Fes­ti­val and launched in over 67 com­mu­ni­ty screen­ings across the coun­try. Karen’s TV work has touched on sub­jects like Indige­nous health and well­ness, Japan­ese Cana­di­an intern­ment, Que­be­cois cui­sine, Vancouver’s down­town east side, and artist activists around the world. In 2018 Karen was nom­i­nat­ed for a Best Direct­ing Cana­di­an Screen Award for her work on CBC’s Inter­rupt This Pro­gram.


Art is My Country, 2018
Status Quo? The Unfinished Business of Feminism in Canada, 2012
Seeking Refuge (Terre d’asile), 2007- 2009
In the Shadow of Gold Mountain, 2004