Martin Frigon

Photo du réalisateur

Mar­tin Frigon has pro­duced and direct­ed a host of doc­u­men­tary projects for film, tele­vi­sion and var­i­ous cul­tur­al and labor orga­ni­za­tions. His cred­its include Make Mon­ey, Salut, bon­soir! (2004), Mirages d’un Eldo­ra­do (2008), La Grande Inva­sion (2012) and Main basse sur la ville (2018). In addi­tion to his work as a doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er, he is pas­sion­ate about the spo­ken word, social crit­i­cism and his­to­ry. He has been a speak­er and read­er at pub­lic events such as “Moulin à paroles” (Plaines d’Abra­ham) and “Nous sommes arrivés à ce qui com­mence” (Mon­u­ment-Nation­al).


Notre-Dame-de-l'Arsenic, 2023
Cities Held Hostage (Main basse sur la ville), 2017
La grande invasion, 2012
Mirages d'un Eldorado, 2008
Make Money. Salut, bonsoir !, 2004
Mourir au large, 2003
Langue à genoux, 1999
L’Artiste à visage ouvert, 1998