Mathilde Capone

Photo du réalisateur

Doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er and pop­u­lar edu­ca­tion facil­i­ta­tor, mathilde capone holds a mas­ter’s degree in social anthro­pol­o­gy. A fem­i­nist, anti-colo­nial, les­bian, and queer activist, they are involved in col­lec­tive ini­tia­tives that pro­voke thought. Their fea­ture film The Fab­ri­ca­tion of Con­sent: Les­bo-Queer Per­spec­tives, pro­duced inde­pen­dent­ly, was pre­sent­ed at Ren­dez-vous Québec Ciné­ma and Image+Nation. EVICTION, their sec­ond fea­ture film, which traces the evic­tion of a queer hous­ing col­lec­tive, was unveiled at the Mon­tre­al Inter­na­tion­al Doc­u­men­tary Fes­ti­val and received the Audi­ence Award. The House of Rebels, which fol­lows the open­ing of the first les­bian retire­ment home in Mon­tre­al / Tiohtià.


2025, La maison des rebelles - Feature-length documentary about North America's first lesbian retirement home - 80 minutes. In development - Produced by Parabola Films, Marie-Michèle Cyr - With the support of Sodec, winner of the Cineground grant, RIDM Talent Lab 2022. Role: Writer and director.

2024, ÉVICTION - Feature-length documentary on the eviction of a Montreal queer collective - 72 minutes. Selected for the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (Audience Award), Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma and the Filministes festival. Role: Production, scriptwriting, direction and distribution.

2023, À travers - Super 8 clip of a song by Claude l'Anthrope - 02 minutes. Selected for the Filministes festival. Role: Script, direction, images and image editing.

2023, Amazones d'hier, lesbiennes d'aujourd'hui. 40 ans plus tard - Medium-length documentary about a Quebec collective of radical lesbians in the 1980s - 57 min. Selected by Image+Nation. Role: Images.

2022, Rumeurs - Short film by the Post-Plottes collective - 03 min. Selected for the Filministes festival. Role: Production, direction, images and image editing.

2021, Chatons - Short film by Post-Plottes - 04 minutes. Selected for the Filministes festival. Role: Production, direction, images and image editing.

2020, La fabrique du consentement : regards lesbo-queer - Feature-length documentary on consent in lesbian queer communities - 73 minutes. Selected for Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Image+Nation and the Vancouver Queer Film Festival. Role: Production, scriptwriting, direction, images, image editing and distribution.

2019, Post-Plottes - Trailer for the collective - 01 minute. Role: Production, direction, images and image editing.

2019, Confession d'une manipulée - Experimental short puppet film - 02 minutes. Selected for the Micro festival de marionnettes inachevées and the Festival international des arts de la marionnette à Saguenay. Role: scriptwriting, directing, images and image editing.

2018, Corps fauniques - Short-form promotional video - 01 minute. Role: Image editing.

2017, Statue - Short-form promotional video - 01 minute. Role: Image editing.

2017, Des-terres-minées - 30 feminist short films exploring the interconnections between genders and territories - 03 to 07 minutes. Selected by Studio XX. Role: Production, scriptwriting, direction, images, image editing and distribution.

2015, Soubresaut - Exploratory short puppet film - 04 minutes. Role: Images and image editing.

2014, Rocks, oil, words! - Documentary short on the traces of the theater-forum project Trous de mémoire - 25 minutes. Selected for the Hors Cadres festival. Role: Production, scriptwriting, directing, image editing.