Matthieu Rytz

Photo du réalisateur

Visu­al anthro­pol­o­gist Matthieu Rytz is pas­sion­ate about pho­tog­ra­phy and eth­nol­o­gy, lead­ing him to trav­el the world with his cam­era, explor­ing human cul­tures. In 2011, he found­ed ARKAR, the com­pa­ny that pro­duces the World Press Pho­to in Mon­tre­al, and Anthro­poGraphia, an orga­ni­za­tion advo­cat­ing for human rights. Always sen­si­tive to envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges, he has made them a pri­or­i­ty in his research and pro­duc­tions since 2012. His lat­est fea­ture doc­u­men­tary, Deep Ris­ing, is a tes­ta­ment to this commitment.


-Anote Ark's (2018)
-Deep Rising (2023)