Olivier Higgins

Photo du réalisateur

Olivi­er Hig­gins and Mélanie Car­ri­er are the direc­tors and pro­duc­ers of Asiemut (2007), Encoun­ters (2011) and Québékoisie (2014). Their films have been shown on inter­na­tion­al broad­cast­ers includ­ing ARTE, RTBF, TSR, TV5 MONDE and AL JAZEERA. Their doc­u­men­tary “Asiemut” won sev­er­al Grand Prizes in many of the most pres­ti­gious moun­tain film fes­ti­vals around the world, such as Banff, Graz, Les Dia­blerets and Cervi­no. Québékoisie was award­ed at the RIDM and RIFF. The two direc­tors received fund­ing from major orga­ni­za­tions like Tele­film, SODEC, the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da and Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts. In 2020, Hig­gins and Car­ri­er com­plet­ed the con­cep­tion of a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary exhi­bi­tion at the Nation­al Muse­um of the Art of Que­bec, inspired by their lat­est fea­ture doc­u­men­tary “Wan­der­ing, a Rohingya Story”.


Québékoisie, 2013
Rencontre, 2011
Asiemut, 2006