Yannick Kergoat

Photo du réalisateur

Yan­nick Ker­goat is a direc­tor, screen­writer and edi­tor. He won a César for best edit­ing for Har­ry, un ami qui vous veut du bien. He has worked reg­u­lar­ly with Cos­ta-Gavras since Amen in 2002, and has edit­ed six films by Rachid Bouchareb since Indigènes in 2006. He has direct­ed sev­er­al doc­u­men­taries for tele­vi­sion. He also found­ed Les Édi­tions Adespote, and co-hosts the media crit­i­cism asso­ci­a­tion ACRIMED.


Tax Me If You Can, 2022
L’envers du siècle, 2020
Les nouveaux chiens de garde, 2011 (co-directed with Gilles Balbastre)