Big Fight in Little Chinatown

Big Fight in Lit­tle Chi­na­town doc­u­ments the col­lec­tive fight to save Chi­na­towns across North Amer­i­ca. Coast to Coast the film fol­lows Chi­na­town com­mu­ni­ties resist­ing active erasure. 


All across the globe, Chinatowns are under threat of disappearing – and along with them, the rich history of communities who fought from the margins for a place to belong. Set against the backdrop of the unfolding COVID pandemic and an unprecedented rise in anti-Asian racism, Big Fight in Little Chinatown documents the collective fight to save Chinatowns across North America. Coast to Coast the film follows Chinatown communities resisting active erasure. From the construction of the world’s largest vertical jail in New York, Montreal’s fight against developers swallowing up the most historic block of their Chinatown, big box chains and gentrification forces displacing Toronto’s community, to a legacy Chinatown business holding steadfast in Vancouver, Big Fight in Little Chinatown is the story of community resistance and resilience in a neighborhood under pressure.

Theme(s) : , Culture, Democracy, Economy, Racism, Social struggle, Urbanity


Photo du realisateur

Karen Cho


Karen Cho is a Chi­nese-Cana­di­an film­mak­er known for her socio-polit­i­cal doc­u­men­taries. Karen’s first film In the Shad­ow of Gold Moun­tain (2004) explored the lega­cy of the Chi­nese Head Tax, Exclu­sion Act and redress move­ment. Karen’s oth­er films include the Gem­i­ni-Nom­i­nat­ed Seek­ing Refuge (2009) a film on refugees in Cana­da and Sta­tus Quo? The Unfin­ished Busi­ness of Fem­i­nism in Cana­da (2012) that won Best Doc­u­men­tary at the Whistler Film Fes­ti­val and launched in over 67 com­mu­ni­ty screen­ings across the coun­try. Karen’s TV work has touched on sub­jects like Indige­nous health and well­ness, Japan­ese Cana­di­an intern­ment, Que­be­cois cui­sine, Vancouver’s down­town east side, and artist activists around the world. In 2018 Karen was nom­i­nat­ed for a Best Direct­ing Cana­di­an Screen Award for her work on CBC’s Inter­rupt This Pro­gram.


Director | , Karen Cho
Year | , 2022
Country | , Canada
Duration | 88 minutes
Original language | , English
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Joshua Frank, Nathaniel Brown
Sound mixing | Cory Rizos
Music | David Drury
Editing | Ryan Mullins
Production | Bob Moore, Daniel Cross, Katie McKay, Mila Aung-Thwin, Valerie Shamash, Vee Di Gregorio
Animation | Fred Casia


DOC NYC · RIDM · Festival du film ReelAsian · Blue Sky Film Festival

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