Bigger Than Us

An Indone­sian activist trav­els the world to meet young peo­ple involved in the fight against social inequal­i­ty and pollution. 


For the past 6 years, 18-year-old Melati has been fighting the plastic pollution ravaging her country, Indonesia. Like her, a generation is rising up to repair the world. Everywhere, teenagers and young adults are fighting for human rights, the climate, freedom of expression, social justice, access to education and food. Dignity. Alone against all odds, sometimes risking their lives and safety, they protect, denounce and care for others. Earth. And they change everything.

Theme(s) : , Colonialism, Environnement, First nations, Human Rights, Social struggle


Photo du realisateur

Flore Vasseur


An entre­pre­neur in New York at the age of 24, Flo­re Vasseur lived through the Inter­net bub­ble, Sep­tem­ber 11 and a cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem that was crack­ing on all sides. Since then, she has been writ­ing books, arti­cles and doc­u­men­taries to under­stand the end of one world and the emer­gence of anoth­er. In her four fright­en­ing­ly lucid nov­els, she tack­les the pow­er of finance and the mad­ness of a world based on tech­nol­o­gy. She ques­tions our rela­tion­ship with pow­er, the elite in pan­ic mode, and asks the ques­tion: who gov­erns? Along­side this process of deci­pher­ing and, in some cas­es, denounc­ing, she has embarked on a long-term project track­ing down human rights defend­ers and whis­tle-blow­ers. In Moscow, she made Meet­ing Snow­den about the for­mer NSA con­trac­tor. Her lat­est book, What Remains of Our Dreams (Ce qu’il reste de nos rêves), is an inves­tiga­tive nov­el about the lit­tle-known real-life sto­ry of Aaron Swartz, the cod­ing wun­derkind who want­ed us to be free, per­se­cut­ed by the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion. A log­i­cal sequel to his fif­teen years of inves­ti­ga­tion and writ­ing, Big­ger Than Us is her first doc­u­men­tary film. Basi­cal­ly, her work deals with the ques­tion of free will, com­mit­ment and courage. The desire to live and to be.


Director | , Flore Vasseur
Year | , 2021
Country | , France
Duration | 97 minutes
Original language | , English
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Christophe Offenstein, Tess Barthes
Sound | Jean-Luc Audy, Fanny Weinzaepflen
Sound mixing | Fanny Weinzaepflen
Music | Rémi Boubal
Editing | Aurélie Jourdan
Producer | Marion Cotillard




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