Bras de fer

For sev­er­al years, Véronique Lalande and her hus­band Louis Duch­esne waged a legal bat­tle against St. Lawrence Steve­dor­ing and the Port of Que­bec, which they accused of being respon­si­ble for heavy met­al dust emis­sions affect­ing cer­tain neigh­bour­hoods in the capital. 


On October 26th, 2012, a red dust blanketed Quebec City, and more specifically the Limoilou district, where Véronique Lalande and her partner Louis Duchesne had bought and renovated a small duplex to raise their one-year-old son, Léo. Iron oxide, nickel, zinc copper, arsenic and other heavy metals fall on the neighbourhoods surrounding the Port of Quebec, home to St. Lawrence Stevedoring, the largest nickel ferry in North America. Ever since, Véronique has been calling, writing and calling out, spreading her indignation and her desire for a healthy environment.

Will this ordinary citizen succeed in forcing this multinational to comply with the law?

Theme(s) : , Democracy, Environnement, Social struggle


Photo du realisateur

Jean-Laurence Seaborn


The Seaborn broth­ers made their debut in social doc­u­men­tary film in the 2000s. Using direct cin­e­ma, they cre­ate pow­er­ful bonds with their pro­tag­o­nists, result­ing in images and tes­ti­monies with­out bar­ri­ers. It is through cin­e­ma that they par­tic­i­pate in social caus­es. They bring to light extra­or­di­nary char­ac­ters who have left their mark on the Que­bec land­scape. They brought to the screen the real­i­ty of injec­tion drug users in the film Pas de piquerie dans mon quarti­er, broad­cast on Télé-Québec in Jan­u­ary 2012. They have also devel­oped sol­id exper­tise in doc­u­men­tary post-pro­duc­tion, pro­duc­ing over forty one-off doc­u­men­taries and a dozen doc­u­men­tary series for television.

Photo du realisateur

Jonathan Seaborn


The Seaborn broth­ers made their debut in social doc­u­men­tary film in the 2000s. Using direct cin­e­ma, they cre­ate pow­er­ful bonds with their pro­tag­o­nists, result­ing in images and tes­ti­monies with­out bar­ri­ers. It is through cin­e­ma that they par­tic­i­pate in social caus­es. They bring to light extra­or­di­nary char­ac­ters who have left their mark on the Que­bec land­scape. They brought to the screen the real­i­ty of injec­tion drug users in the film “Pas de piquerie dans mon quarti­er”, broad­cast on Télé-Québec in Jan­u­ary 2012. They have also devel­oped sol­id exper­tise in doc­u­men­tary post-pro­duc­tion, pro­duc­ing over forty one-off doc­u­men­taries and a dozen doc­u­men­tary series for television.


Director | , Jean-Laurence Seaborn, Jonathan Seaborn
Year | , 2017
Country | , Québec
Duration | 77 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles |
Formats |
Image | Jonathan Seaborn
Sound | Jean-Laurence Seaborn
Editing | Jonathan Seaborn
Production | Studio Seaborn
Distribution | SPIRA








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