Framing Agnes

The film turns the talk show for­mat inside out in response to medi­a’s ongo­ing fas­ci­na­tion with trans peo­ple. The film breathes life into six pre­vi­ous­ly unknown sto­ries from the archives of the UCLA Gen­der Clin­ic in the 1950s. 


The film turns the talk show format inside out in response to media's ongoing fascination with trans people. The film breathes life into six previously unknown stories from the archives of the UCLA Gender Clinic in the 1950s.

Theme(s) : , Human Rights, LGBTQI2SA+, Social struggle


Photo du realisateur

Chase Joynt


Chase Joynt is a direc­tor and writer whose films have won jury and audi­ence awards inter­na­tion­al­ly. His debut doc­u­men­tary fea­ture, Fram­ing Agnes, was named a Best Movie of the Year by The New York­er after pre­mier­ing at the Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val where it won the NEXT Inno­va­tor Award and the NEXT Audi­ence Award. With Ais­ling Chin-Yee, Chase co-direct­ed No Ordi­nary Man, a fea­ture-length doc­u­men­tary about jazz musi­cian Bil­ly Tip­ton, which was pre­sent­ed at Cannes Docs 2020 as part of the Cana­di­an Show­case of Docs-in-Progress. Since pre­mier­ing at the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val in 2020, No Ordi­nary Man has been hailed by The New York­er as “a genre unto itself” and Indiewire as “the future of trans cin­e­ma.” The film has won 9 awards on the inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val cir­cuit, includ­ing being named to TIFF Canada’s Top Ten. Joynt is the author of two books: the Lamb­da Lit­er­ary Award Final­ist You Only Live Twice (co-authored with Mike Hool­boom) and Boys Don’t Cry with Mor­gan M Page. Most recent­ly, he direct­ed episodes of Two Sen­tence Hor­ror Sto­ries for the CW, which are now stream­ing on Net­flix. His episode Elliot from Sea­son 2 won a Tel­ly Award for direct­ing in 2022. 


Director | , Chase Joynt
Year | , 2022
Country | , United States
Duration | 75 minutes
Original language | , English
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Aubree Bernier-Clarke
Editing | Cecilio Escobar
Production | Samantha Curley


Sundance Film Festival - Edinburgh International Film Festival - Hot Docs - Vancouver International Film Festival






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