Je me soulève

20 young per­form­ers brought togeth­er for a cre­ation lab strive to tap into the spir­it of the times by scour­ing con­tem­po­rary Québé­cois poet­ry. When, to everyone’s amaze­ment, one of theirs is elect­ed to Quebec’s Nation­al Assem­bly, poet­ry becomes an inte­gral part of the country’s polit­i­cal landscape. 


Twenty young actors are brought together in a laboratory by stage directors Véronique and Gabrielle Côté to create a collective work for one of the major national theaters. Over the course of a full year, they will delve into contemporary Quebec poetry with the aim of extracting "the spirit of the times". In workshops and across the country, we witness the process of bringing Je me soulève into the world. What kind of people will we be in the future? What can art do to transform the world? Will we still be able to have children? Insurgent, inhabited by the fervor of those who dream of beauty, obeying only their intuition, they erect an ode to life. And when - as if by magic! – one of their number is elected to the Quebec National Assembly, poetry is literally involved in the country's political life.

Theme(s) : , Culture, Identity, Politics, Social struggle


Photo du realisateur

Hugo Latulippe


Hugo Lat­ulippe has been an active mem­ber of the film and tele­vi­sion indus­try since his stint on Radio-Canada’s La Course des­ti­na­tion monde in 1994–95. After learn­ing the pro­fes­sion from the mas­ters of Quebec’s direct cin­e­ma at the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da, he found­ed Esper­amos, a com­pa­ny whose tele­vi­sion, Inter­net and film projects, shot in Que­bec and around the world, tack­le “the great issues of our time.” His films have been select­ed in the most pres­ti­gious fes­ti­vals and have won numer­ous distinctions.


Director | , Hugo Latulippe
Year | , 2022
Country | , Québec
Duration | 88 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles |
Formats |
Image | Hugo Latulippe
Sound | Jonathan Seaborn
Editing | Jocelyn Langlois


International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA)








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