Le Château

Madeleine, 86 years old, has been liv­ing at Château Beau­ri­vage for five years. But as her con­di­tion dete­ri­o­rates, she has to move out of the apart­ment where she promised her­self she would end her days. 


Madeleine is 86. For the last five years she has lived at Château Beaurivage, a retirement home in Montréal-Nord. But when her mental state deteriorates and her memory starts to play tricks on her, the lady must move even though she had planned to live in the same apartment until the end. In this poignant documentary, Denys Desjardins explores a new facet of memory through a disarming and intimate portrait of his mother and her struggles with aging.

Theme(s) : , Human Rights, Mental health


Photo du realisateur

Denys Desjardins


Pro­duc­er, film­mak­er, teacher and film his­to­ri­an, Denys Des­jardins has direct­ed sev­er­al fic­tions and doc­u­men­taries (Au pays des colons, La vie privée du ciné­ma, La zone). A found­ing mem­ber of Québec Ciné­ma, he launched the cre­ation and dis­tri­b­u­tion plat­form Cinéaste de la mémoire | Mémoire du ciné­ma in 2019.


Director | , Denys Desjardins
Year | , 2019
Country | , Québec
Duration | 75 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Denys Desjardins, Hong An Nguyen, Nicolas Canniccioni
Sound | Julia Innes, Stéphane Barsalou
Sound design | Claude Beaugrand
Music | Simon Bellefleur
Editing | Annie Jean, Denys Desjardins
Production | Les Films Du Centaure
Distribution | FunFilm Distribution






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