The silence of the Mole

Tout au long des années 1970, le jour­nal­iste Elías Bara­hona s’infiltre au cœur du gou­verne­ment mil­i­taire le plus répres­sif du Guatemala. In seek­ing to uncov­er the sto­ry of this secret and unique indi­vid­ual, The Silence of the Mole opens cracks in the walls of silence. 


Throughout the 1970s, journalist Elías Barahona, aka "El Topo"/"The Mole", infiltrated the heart of Guatemala's most repressive military government. In seeking to uncover the story of this secret and unique individual, The Silence of the Mole opens cracks in the walls of silence.

Theme(s) : , Democracy, Human Rights, Politics, Social struggle


Photo du realisateur

Anaïs Taracena


Anais Tara­ce­na, doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er and pro­duc­er with a master’s degree in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence. She has direct­ed shorts films that have been screened at inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­vals.
In Guatemala, she works as a film­mak­er with human rights orga­ni­za­tions and as a cul­tur­al man­ag­er. In 2019 she par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Berli­nale Tal­ents and in the IDFA Acad­e­my School as an emerg­ing direc­tor. The silence of the Mole, Anais’s first fea­ture film pre­miered at Hot Docs 2021 and won the Tim Het­her­ing­ton Award at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2021, and the Best Doc­u­men­tary Prize at Mala­ga Film Fes­ti­val 2022.


Director | , Anaïs Taracena
Year | , 2021
Country | , Guatemala
Duration | 91 minutes
Original language | , Spanish
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Image | Molina Carla
Sound | Caceres Eduardo, Francisco Deleón
Editing | Pedro Garcia


Hot Docs 2021, International Spectrum Competition, Canada
Tim Hetherington Award and Youth Jury Award nominee at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2021, UK
Special Mention at the Truth Dox Competition, Dokufest 2021, Kosovo
Guadalajara International Film Festival 2021, Feature documentary competition, Mexico
Lima PUCP Film Festival 2021, Feature documentary competition, Peru
Costa Rica International Film Festival 2021, Central American and Caribbean competition, Costa Rica
EDOC Documentary Film Festival 2021, Ecuador
Jury prize Best documentary “Nuestra America”, DocsMx International Documentary Film Festival 2021, Mexico
Belize International Film Festival, documentary competition
DOCNYC, official selection, United States
IDFA 2021, Best of Fests selection, Netherlands
Ambulante Documentary Film Festival 2021, official selection, Mexico
Screening Rights Film festival 2021, Official selection, UK
Watch Docs IFF 2021, Main competition, Poland
Festival de Cine Global de Santo Domingo 2022, Opera Prima competition, Dominican Republic
Big Sky Documentary Film festival 2022, official selection, US
Human International Documentary Film Festival 2022, Norway
Gilda Viera de Mello Prize at the International Film Festival and Forum of Human Rights 2022, International competition, Swizterland
San Diego Latino Film Festival 2022, Documentary Competition, US
Best Documentary Prize at Málaga Film festival 2022, Spain
Festival Cine-latino, Rencontres de Toulouse 2022, France
Houston Latino Film Festival 2022, Feature Film competition, US
ACT Human Rigths Film Festival 2022, Best of Fest, US
It's All True Film Festival 2022, Brasil






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