Organize a screening

We offer all the ele­ments you need to orga­nize your cus­tomized screen­ings. Choose one or more of our ser­vices for your screen­ings or events.


You can sim­ply orga­nize a screen­ing based on a film from our cat­a­log.

All you have to do is select the film, set the broad­cast rights, and then down­load the press mate­r­i­al and screen­ing file.

Our cat­a­log fea­tures care­ful­ly select­ed social, polit­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal doc­u­men­taries.

Évic­tion direct­ed by mathilde capone

Would you like to broad­cast anoth­er film? Please fill in our form.


If you don’t have a venue, or don’t have the equip­ment or skills, we can also man­age the pro­jec­tion tech­ni­cal­ly for you. Funam­bules Médias has all the tech­ni­cal equip­ment — trail­er screens, pro­jec­tors, sound and light­ing equip­ment — and the pro­fes­sion­al tech­ni­cal team to offer you a turnkey ser­vice for your indoor or out­door screenings.

You want to show a film not in our cat­a­log No prob­lem, we can also orga­nize fam­i­ly screen­ings, with ani­mat­ed or fic­tion films of your choice.

Our tech­ni­cal team can trav­el with­in a 30km radius of Mon­tre­al (or fur­ther for a fee) as part of our turnkey service.


Make your screen­ing an event by orga­niz­ing a dis­cus­sion.
Thanks to our net­work of con­tacts in both the film and social sec­tors, we can help you orga­nize a post-screen­ing dis­cus­sion with the film­mak­ers or spe­cial­ists in the themes addressed in the doc­u­men­tary. Our pro­fes­sion­al team can also ensure that screen­ings run smooth­ly, in addi­tion to lead­ing the dis­cus­sion with guests.


For the aca­d­e­m­ic and com­mu­ni­ty sec­tors, we offer image edu­ca­tion activ­i­ties, video work­shops and writ­ing work­shops as part of our cul­tur­al medi­a­tion projects around doc­u­men­tary cinema.