Emanuel Licha

Photo du réalisateur

Ini­tial­ly trained in urban geog­ra­phy, then in visu­al arts, Emanuel Licha is an artist and film­mak­er. His films focus on spe­cif­ic spa­tial and archi­tec­tur­al objects, lead­ing him to con­sid­er objects in the urban land­scape as social, his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal clues. Hotel Machine (2016), his first fea­ture-length cre­ative doc­u­men­tary, pre­miered in com­pe­ti­tion at Ciné­ma du réel at the Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou, and won var­i­ous awards. Zo Reken is his sec­ond fea­ture-length cre­ative documentary.


zo reken, 2021
Hotel Machine, 2016
How do we know what we know?, 2011
Mirages, 2010
R for Real, 2008