Flore Vasseur

Photo du réalisateur

An entre­pre­neur in New York at the age of 24, Flo­re Vasseur lived through the Inter­net bub­ble, Sep­tem­ber 11 and a cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem that was crack­ing on all sides. Since then, she has been writ­ing books, arti­cles and doc­u­men­taries to under­stand the end of one world and the emer­gence of anoth­er. In her four fright­en­ing­ly lucid nov­els, she tack­les the pow­er of finance and the mad­ness of a world based on tech­nol­o­gy. She ques­tions our rela­tion­ship with pow­er, the elite in pan­ic mode, and asks the ques­tion: who gov­erns? Along­side this process of deci­pher­ing and, in some cas­es, denounc­ing, she has embarked on a long-term project track­ing down human rights defend­ers and whis­tle-blow­ers. In Moscow, she made Meet­ing Snow­den about the for­mer NSA con­trac­tor. Her lat­est book, What Remains of Our Dreams (Ce qu’il reste de nos rêves), is an inves­tiga­tive nov­el about the lit­tle-known real-life sto­ry of Aaron Swartz, the cod­ing wun­derkind who want­ed us to be free, per­se­cut­ed by the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion. A log­i­cal sequel to his fif­teen years of inves­ti­ga­tion and writ­ing, Big­ger Than Us is her first doc­u­men­tary film. Basi­cal­ly, her work deals with the ques­tion of free will, com­mit­ment and courage. The desire to live and to be.


Bigger Than Us, 2021