Jonathan Seaborn

Photo du réalisateur

The Seaborn broth­ers made their debut in social doc­u­men­tary film in the 2000s. Using direct cin­e­ma, they cre­ate pow­er­ful bonds with their pro­tag­o­nists, result­ing in images and tes­ti­monies with­out bar­ri­ers. It is through cin­e­ma that they par­tic­i­pate in social caus­es. They bring to light extra­or­di­nary char­ac­ters who have left their mark on the Que­bec land­scape. They brought to the screen the real­i­ty of injec­tion drug users in the film “Pas de piquerie dans mon quarti­er”, broad­cast on Télé-Québec in Jan­u­ary 2012. They have also devel­oped sol­id exper­tise in doc­u­men­tary post-pro­duc­tion, pro­duc­ing over forty one-off doc­u­men­taries and a dozen doc­u­men­tary series for television.


Pas de piquerie dans mon quartier, 2017