Laetitia Møller

Photo du réalisateur

Laeti­tia Møller is a jour­nal­ist and direc­tor. Her first audio­vi­su­al pro­duc­tions — Viol, les voix du silence, a web doc­u­men­tary for France Télévi­sion and Le Mythe du per­vers nar­cis­sique, broad­cast­ed on Planète + as part of the “Topoï” doc­u­men­tary series — ques­tion social phe­nom­e­na. In 2014, she won the Infra­courts com­pe­ti­tion with the short film Les Dames de Dosne. Pos­i­tive ener­gy of the gods is her first author’s doc­u­men­tary, the result of a long work of immer­sion in Aster­eo­typ­ie, a unique rock group.


The Positive Energy of Gods, 2020