Nicolas Lévesque

Photo du réalisateur

Nico­las Lévesque is a Cana­di­an pho­tog­ra­ph­er and film­mak­er. His doc­u­men­tary projects led him to doc­u­ment var­i­ous parts of the world, between the Amer­i­c­as, Europe and his home in Que­bec. His images are the sub­ject of exhi­bi­tions and projects of award-win­ning edi­tions such as LUTTE (Edi­tions la Peu­plade) and Derniers Sou­verains (Edi­tions Poètes de Brousse). His doc­u­men­tary film In guns we trust was hon­oured Best Short Film at the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val in 2013, as well as Inter­view with a Free Man, in 2015, pro­duced by the Nation­al Film Board of Cana­da. After his doc­u­men­tary We hunt seals, he is cur­rent­ly pro­duc­ing a new doc­u­men­tary film, The Free Ones, fol­low­ing the release of detainees in search of a new life. Since 2010, he has col­lab­o­rat­ed reg­u­lar­ly with Télé-Québec, TV5, RDI and Radio-Cana­da in the pro­duc­tion of doc­u­men­taries for television.


The Free Ones, 2020
Rich in Bollywood, 2019
Chasseurs de phoques, 2018
Entrevue avec un homme libre, 2015