In Port-au-Prince, a human­i­tar­i­an orga­ni­za­tion’s 4x4 is being divert­ed from its usu­al use: its Hait­ian pas­sen­gers are now using it to talk about neo-colo­nial­ism and to denounce the promis­es made by the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty that have not been kept, while the peo­ple are cry­ing out in anger. 


zo reken (Shark's Bone) is the nickname given in Haiti to the Toyota Land Cruiser, a powerful all-terrain vehicle much in demand by the international humanitarian organizations that have been omnipresent in the country since the 2010 earthquake. Ten years on, in a country in turmoil and more gridlocked than ever, a zo reken has been diverted from its usual use to become a mobile meeting and discussion place for Haitians. No more foreign aid workers are allowed on board. The driver carries on a conversation with his passengers, all citizens of Port-au-Prince, as he tries to make his way through the barricades and demonstrations. They talk about the state of the country, neo-colonialism and humanitarian aid, and the anger mounts: against the incumbent president who has lost the population's trust, against the international community's broken promises of aid, and against the violence suffered by the most vulnerable. zo reken is a road movie and a talking machine.

Theme(s) : , Colonialism, Democracy, Human Rights, Politics


Photo du realisateur

Emanuel Licha


Ini­tial­ly trained in urban geog­ra­phy, then in visu­al arts, Emanuel Licha is an artist and film­mak­er. His films focus on spe­cif­ic spa­tial and archi­tec­tur­al objects, lead­ing him to con­sid­er objects in the urban land­scape as social, his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal clues. Hotel Machine (2016), his first fea­ture-length cre­ative doc­u­men­tary, pre­miered in com­pe­ti­tion at Ciné­ma du réel at the Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou, and won var­i­ous awards. Zo Reken is his sec­ond fea­ture-length cre­ative documentary.


Director | , Emanuel Licha
Year | , 2021
Country | , Québec
Duration | 86 minutes
Original language | , Creole, French
Subtitles | , French
Formats |
Sound design | Catherine Van Der Donckt
Sound mixing | Benoît Dame
Music | David Drury
Editing | Ariane Pétel-Despots
Cinematographer | Étienne Roussy


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