Cinéma à la carte’s Catalog

Eas­i­ly orga­nize screen­ings-events, indoor or out­door, from our cat­a­log of social, polit­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal doc­u­men­tary films, thanks to our turnkey ser­vice designed for cin­e­mas and film clubs, the aca­d­e­m­ic envi­ron­ment and com­mu­ni­ty organizations.


A Golden Life

In Burk­i­na Faso, young men look under the earth for gold – and a bet­ter future. As a result, 16-year-old Ras­mané bare­ly seems like a teenag­er any more. This main­ly obser­va­tion­al film fol­lows him into the 100-metre abyss of small-scale mining. 


Since 2010, Parthenais has become home to a queer com­mu­ni­ty in Mon­tre­al. They share a triplex, cre­at­ing mem­o­ries between the dilap­i­dat­ed walls. Twelve years lat­er, a wealthy fam­i­ly bought the build­ing, mark­ing the end of an era of gentrification. 

Je me soulève

20 young per­form­ers brought togeth­er for a cre­ation lab strive to tap into the spir­it of the times by scour­ing con­tem­po­rary Québé­cois poet­ry. When, to everyone’s amaze­ment, one of theirs is elect­ed to Quebec’s Nation­al Assem­bly, poet­ry becomes an inte­gral part of the country’s polit­i­cal landscape. 

Le Château

Madeleine, 86 years old, has been liv­ing at Château Beau­ri­vage for five years. But as her con­di­tion dete­ri­o­rates, she has to move out of the apart­ment where she promised her­self she would end her days. 

Robin Bank

This is the sto­ry of Enric Duran, a Cata­lan activist who took out loans worth half a mil­lion euros that he had no inten­tion of repay­ing. Instead, he used the mon­ey to finance social projects, and explains that he com­mit­ted these thefts to denounce the bad prac­tices of the bank­ing system. 


Every year, over 400 chil­dren arrive alone at the Cana­di­an bor­der to claim refugee sta­tus. Fear­ing for their lives, Afshin, Alain and Patri­cia left their coun­try, with­out their par­ents, when they were just chil­dren, in the hope of a bet­ter life in Canada. 

The Positive Energy of Gods

Com­ing from a med­i­cal-edu­­ca­­tion­al insti­tute for autis­tic young­sters, the singers of the Astéréo­typ­ie group unveil their explo­sive uni­verse on stage, encour­aged by an edu­ca­tor more pas­sion­ate about art brut than edu­ca­tion­al tech­niques. Their col­lec­tive adven­ture is a cry for freedom. 


In Port-au-Prince, a human­i­tar­i­an orga­ni­za­tion’s 4x4 is being divert­ed from its usu­al use: its Hait­ian pas­sen­gers are now using it to talk about neo-colo­­nial­ism and to denounce the promis­es made by the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty that have not been kept, while the peo­ple are cry­ing out in anger.